life began in rural Northwest Iowa as the first-born American in the
family. My parents were refugees from Poland that survived (barely)
World War II under the brutal control of Nazis. My life was nothing
unusual going through the same paces as everyone else. However, in 2016
I developed pneumonia and influenza and was hospitalized — not likely
to recover. It was during those 12 days on a ventilator and massive
antibiotics that my life changed. When I returned home, I suffered with
anxiety, terror, depression, panic, helplessness, and wondered what was
happening. A friend suggested I contact a Body Code practitioner and
this changed how I viewed the world. I quickly realized that while I
was sedated for 12 days in ICU, my subconscious was keeping track of
every emotion I was experiencing and saving them in a file. Each Body
Code session released more and more anxiety, terror, depression, panic
and helplessness and I began to feel like my old self and even better.
energetic healing experience inspired me to help others and has not
only improved the lives of my clients but my life, as well.
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