Angelic Healing Code

I’ve always known there were angels.  As a little girl, I would walk on the right side of the sidewalk leaving room for my angels to walk beside me.  When approaching a mirror, I thought I could catch them around me.  In second grade, there was a painting of an angel guiding a little boy and girl across a rickety bridge—this confirmed their existence to me.

So, it seems natural for me to now work with the angels in my energy practice.  Angels are all around us.  Their sole purpose is to help us but they are waiting to be asked.  Asking through an energy healer is just one way to help facilitate that process. 

I began energy work in 2017 when I became certified in Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson.  This quickly lead me to additional certification in Body Code when I saw advanced energy releases and I somehow just instinctively “knew” that this healing could reach an even higher level.   Angelic Healing Code is a natural elevation to working with not just the subconscious mind but with the angels.  In fact, as I was struggling with the name for this new website, the angels suggested Angelic Healing Code.

I continue to practice Emotion Code and Body Code with passion; however, when I get a nudge to “look over here”, we ask to see what is “there.”  While Emotion Code and Body Code are emotion-based, Angelic Healing Code is more health-based.   However, AHC is not a substitute for releasing emotions.  Trapped emotions and other energies from our past do affect our health and should be released for our own healing.  We didn’t reach our present status overnight.  Think of Angelic Healing Code as reaching the penthouse after we’ve traveled upward.  

Today’s world can be overwhelming with pressures from every direction.  Isn’t it comforting to know we have angels on our side?  They are willing to take a few pounds of that load off our shoulders.